Publications: CMS ENVIS Centre brings
out regular publications to facilitate information
dissemination and further the cause of environment
awareness and sensitisation. The quarterly newsletter
Green Voice reaches to more than 5000 individuals
and 500 organisations. The daily e-newsletter Green
Media has a circulation of over 5000. From time to
time the centre also undertakes focused study of media
coverage of pressing environmental issues and translates
that knowledge in the form of well-documented publications.
Information Dissemination: CMS ENVIS
Centre disseminates information about all its activities
through emails and its website. Activities like research
studies, publications, database of green films, environmental
journalists etc, and query response service are highlighted
round the year to connect to a wide ranging audience.
Database: With its Database CMS ENVIS
Centre has made an effort towards providing the masses-at-large
a platform where they can obtain any information about
the environmental journalists, green filmmakers &
films, advertising agencies, newspaper columnists
and NGO's working towards the environment.
Research: Over the years the Centre
has been conducting research on the broader relationship
of the media and the environment. More specifically,
how the media views/covers a specific environmental
event, major environmental issues taken up by the
media and how can the media be better equipped to
report ecological concerns have been the prime focus
of CMS ENVIS Centre.
Query Response Service: The Centre's
query response service deals with the queries of the
visitors who log on to the website
and the Centre's Coordinator responds to the queries
within 24 hours.
